Intro to Python Syllabus

Lesson 1: Intro

First, we will go over the importance and breadth of programming and computer science.

Then, we will show some example programs. We will live program “Hello World” (with commenting) and show some cool code that they will be able to create by the end of the course. This should only take around 10 minutes, but it is important to inspire the students before beginning the course. (10 minutes)

We will run a quick demo in the console of strings, ints, variables, and other cool information. We will share the Week 1 Slides for use after class. Before going into breakout rooms, we’ll have everyone log into their accounts to make sure everyone is set up. (15 minutes)

We will put kids into Breakout Rooms to mess around with inputs (given mini prompts, such as “what is your name,” or “how many cookies did you eat”) (5 minutes).

After this, we will have a group practice with inputs, where we all work together to make a survey. (10 minutes)

Of course, as we code (while sharing our screen and providing commentary and assistance), the creative choices will be left up to the kids and we will keep them involved by letting them pick what the strings, ints, etc will be.

Then we will recap and explain the homework and answer any lingering questions. (5 minutes)

Lesson 2: Strings and Ints

Lesson 2 will be about strings, integers, and the different methods that are implemented with these. We will further discuss variables from the last lesson.

We will start out with a warm up kahoot on the correct syntax for variables, strings, and integers. Kahoot linked here. (15 minutes)

Our first objective is to demonstrate basic string and integer methods such as slicing, through live programming and a shared screen. We will partly use the Week 2 Slides. Because we want to foster curiosity among the students, we will also show how you can find methods in online reference sheets, for further exploration during and after class. (10 minutes)

We will put the students into breakout rooms and work on a reference sheet scavenger hunt. The hunt will require different string and int methods on an initial data type, and will transform the data type into a final result. Similar to math sheets done in elementary school, we will have a fun saying at the end. (20 minutes)

Then we will recap and explain the homework and answer any lingering questions. (5 minutes)

Lesson 3: Booleans and If Statements

As a warm up, each group will share their scavenger hunt . We’ll discuss different ways people approached the hunt and introduce the helpful aspects of booleans and if statements. (5 minutes)

We will do a short presentation/discussion on if statements and booleans, describing true/false like an on/off switch. We will also compare the statements to normal english using an analogy, such as with a pen and a phone (if I want a pen and a phone will I be happy with only a pen?). (20 minutes)

Once we put the students into breakout rooms, they will choose one of their Buzzfeed Quizzes/surveys from Week 1. Using if statements, they will modify their survey and expand it. (30 minutes)

Then we will recap and explain the homework. (5 minutes)

Lesson 4: Lists

Warm up: students can share the surveys they made for homework, explaining their code and their answers to the survey prompts.

We will demonstrate the structure of lists, how to add and remove elements, indexes, slicing (introduced earlier). We will use Replit to demonstrate the content in the Week 4 Slides. We will briefly learn about dictionaries, sets, tuples. (10 minutes)

We will put kids into breakout rooms to do a treasure hunt, this time with each group having different methods and lists. This will involve slicing a list and revealing a secret message at the end. Each group will have a different message. (20 minutes)

We will come back together as a class and share the messages from each group. We will then combine the mystery messages to get a full story! Finally, we will recap the class and discuss the optional homework assignment and resource of Coding Bat. (20 minutes)

Lesson 5: Review

Warmup: we will go over some problems from the homework (Lists). (5 minutes)

We will do a review Kahoot of the material learned so far (with some fun facts thrown in about the instructors) (10 minutes)

We will go over the challenge problem from last week (15 minutes).

We will solve one (or more coding) problem(s) live as a class which incorporates everything we have learned so far. As we program we will think about how we can break this big problem into small, programmable steps. We will emphasize commenting as we go through this challenge problem.
(30 minutes)